The Gift

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  • #10420
    Tom G

    I continue to be amazed how often a moment of enlightenment shows up in my life.

    A good friend’s 16 year old daughter recently passed away as the result of a car crash. Soul crushing is the phrase that comes to mind as I watch my friend try and cope with this situation. My heart is broken for my friend and her family; part of that is because I see a future now gone.

    All of the possibilities that lay in front of this bright and loving young woman are suddenly gone. I was talking to another close friend and asked how this has effected her. She said, “I wake up each day and realize that I am given a gift each day. Each day is a gift and I can’t waste that gift being troubled by the little things that ruin my day”.

    This from a women who is not an alcoholic or addict. Sounds like to me that she was defining life through the terms of spiritual acceptance. I walked away full of gratitude for my daily gift. A gift that I can throw away with the use of alcohol or turning within and making life about me.

    AA steps 11 and 12 helps me to turn without and focus on others. When I live these steps, alcoholism’s stranglehold on my life goes away. With this, I am happy and hopeful; this is how I define sobriety.

    Sobriety is a gift. Each day that I wake up and appreciate that gift results in a good day. If I forget about that gift or don’t appreciate that gift, my day can be in the crapper.

    Sobriety is the gift that keeps on giving. I pray all of us in recovery come to accept and understand this.

    Thank you for letting me share. Tom G.

    Heidi Quist

    Thank you for sharing this Tom…I needed to hear this, as I was cleaning up a blog I’m writing I was thinking about how many gifts I have been given over the years and sometimes I forget just the simple gift of waking up the next day can be the most precious. Thank you so much, you really helped me through tonight as I was staring at my computer feeling blah about my blog I’m writing. I think I’ll be changing some things tonight, have a great evening my friend. – Heidi

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