
People in Recovery… Helping People in Recovery!

At My Recovery we believe that when people who want recovery connect to people to have it… miracles happen! With years of experience, we know that Recovery happens in the community. The goal of is to create a vibrant and supportive Recovery community, where community shares its collective experience, strength and hope, to help guide others into their local rooms of Recovery.

My Recovery also offers a comprehensive Resource Center as well as short-term and long-term online Recovery Programs.

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Recovery Community Features

Social Recovery Network

An opportunity to bring people together who share a common experience and journey and to allow them to enhance each others’ lives, Recovery and spiritual paths.

Online Journal

An opportunity to reflect on one’s personal Recovery journey and share your insights with other journal-keepers.

Discussion Groups and Live Chat

Safe and supportive spaces where recovering people can reach out to each other across the country and around the globe, and share their experience, strength and hope.

Private One to One Messaging

On, members can reach out and communicate privately and confidentially with other members live and in person.

Personal Resource Library

A rich source of information designed to help people wherever they are on their Recovery journey – whether a family member worrying about a loved one or an individual who may not be sure if he/she has a problem.

Photo and Video Sharing

An opportunity to post a videos and photos and share with other members of personally and confidentially.

Interactive Support Groups

A rich source of information designed to help people wherever they are on their Recovery journey – whether a family member worrying about a loved one or an individual who may not be sure if he/she has a problem.

Recovery Events Calendar

A database of member contributed meetings, conferences, round-ups and workshops celebrating the Recovery journey.

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